Week 5: For the Birds
Collage, cut New Yorker Magazine paper, 12 x 9
I’m feeling the winds of change. So I’m flying with it.
EXHIBIT A: This week’s collage. I was ready to change up my style somewhat, and this owl image has been hanging out in my head for a while. I was excited to finally create it.
Detail — “FOR THE BIRDS”
i love you, you adorable muffin.
I don’t collect owls, but I love their symbology. I’m into symbols in general. I love the notion of a simple visual that represents a bigger idea. The human brain loves to associate one thing with another. This red ring with a red circle inside it represents the Target brand, for example.
Some symbols are ancient and seem universal, but I also believe we each develop our own symbology. That’s why you won’t find any dream interpretation books on my shelf. I may love fire trucks, but a person whose house burned down when they were a child may associate fire trucks with fear, trauma, or insecurity. What does this fire truck in my dream symbolize for me?
I love to walk around in my world looking for symbols. They’re a fun way to communicate with the Universe. Like this week as I was pondering The Owl, I pulled out my copy of The Women’s Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects by Barbara G. Walker. I wanted to see if “Owl” was in it (I was sure it would be), and dang if I didn’t open the book right to the Owl page. And I kept seeing images of owls throughout the week. I took these as signs from the Universe that I was on the right track. If I had not been receptive to seeing them, I probably wouldn’t have.
If you studied Greek and Roman mythology (—why don’t we call it religion? That’s what it was to them!—) you probably remember Athena (Minerva), goddess of wisdom, born out of Zeus’ head (—way to erase Mom from the picture!). The Owl is associated with Athena, hence the “wise owl.” It has keen vision, day or night, and it can turn its head almost an entire 360 degrees. The owl is also a symbol of death and transformation.
And then, of course, all birds have the power of flight, putting them that much closer to the heavens. Enlightenment. If we’re picking superpowers and the choice is between invisibility and flight, I’m definitely going with flight.
So these were the kinds of things I was contemplating during this week of June. This Gay Pride month and Juneteenth week. More killings, more protests—”No Justice, No Peace!”
I used to think “justice” was an ideal that could never really be achieved. Because it suggests that we are all in agreement of what is right and wrong, what is fair or not, that we’re all playing the same game with the same rules. That we’re all looking through the same lens.
The symbol of a blindfolded Lady Justice seems like a great idea. We should be blind when we judge our world and our fellow earthlings. That makes perfect sense. But of course, we aren’t blind. That old associative brain keeps doing its thing.
So what if we just ripped that blindfold off of Lady Justice and put an owl on her shoulder? Could Justice fly high above to get a much wider perspective? Maybe look at a situation from an entire 360-degree circumference? What if “Lady” Justice merged with more aspects of the Divine Feminine? Compassion, Empathy, Creativity, Healing, Inclusion, Grace. A fierce protectiveness. A trust in transformation.
I guess it still sounds ideal. But we create our ideas all the time. Why can’t we create our ideals? Especially now in what seems like such an opportune time for transformation. Change is in the wind.
“Heartfelt” by Olimpia Zagnoli
June 24, 2019
EXHIBIT B: The U.S. Supreme Court decided this week that people who are LGBTQI cannot be fired for being themselves. Congratulations, my beloved friends! I’m happy-dancing with you!!! In your honor, I chose a New Yorker issue from June of 2019 with a cover that celebrates Pride month (artist: @olimpiazagnoli). You make this world better and brighter. Thanks for being you. “I love you, you adorable muffin.”
And thanks for reading owl the way to the end of this piece. #sorrynotsorry