52 Collages from 52 New Yorkers in 52 Weeks
Titles with an asterisk[*] indicate that collage has SOLD.
Week 52: “Where to go, what to do.”
* Week 51: “Now Playing”
* Week 50: “tangoing with Jo Anne Worley”
* Week 49: “Heartbeat Opera”
* Week 48: “a transformational year”
* Week 47: “bottomless as ever”
Weeks 43–46: “North Spring Fire Dusk”
* Week 42: “vessels of renewal.”
Week 41: “dreamy doodles”
* Week 40: “important is this one moment”
* Week 39: “Freelance Whales”
Week 38: “become patterned”
* Week 37: “Greater wonders presumably await.”
* Week 36: “Firebird: Life in Motion”
Week 35: “mountain rising”
* Week 34: “poetic, and just”
* Week 33: “greet strays”
Week 32: “Invisible Light.”
* Week 31: “So this is where the magic happens.”
Week 30: “darkness endeavors to give birth”
Week 29: “boundary-free creation”
Week 28: “unspooling in the dark of a cave”
Week 27: “rewrite Thanksgiving”
* Week 26: “sit down and create something”
* Week 25: “She stood out,”
* Week 24: “moment of uncertainty”
Week 23: “getting along with ghosts”
Week 22: “whatnot themes”
* Week 21: “depths of autumn.”
* Week 20: “pixelated ambience.”
* Week 19: “Only connect.”
* Week 18: “a tiny miracle”
Week 17: “the all-important question”
Week 16: “getting where you think you want to go”
* Week 15: “Summer Night’s Dream”
Week 14: “plunges into unexpected”
* Week 13: “cascade of joy”
* Week 12: “be something else”
* Week 11: “source of enchantment”
Week 10: “wonky energy can heal”
Week 9: “illusion is a compact”
Week 8: “be, open and”
Week 7: “ambient blurs”
Week 6: “truth explodes”
* Week 5: “FOR THE BIRDS”
Week 4: ”there may never be a perfect time and place“
Week 3: “embracing the arts and nature”
Week 2: “Possessing the Comma”
Week 1: “her absorption in new challenges, illuminating.”