Week 9: An Apocalypse with a Twist

“illusion is a compact” Collage, cut and torn New Yorker Magazine paper, 9" x 12"

“illusion is a compact”

Collage, cut and torn New Yorker Magazine paper, 9" x 12"

I’ll have an apocalypse with a twist. 

Don’t worry. This is not a doom-and-gloom post. Far from it, I hope.

This week’s issue is from April. As I started reading it, I thought, Hmm. There sure was a lot of theatre happening in New York in April. I thought Broadway had shut down. Then I realized I had chosen an issue from April of 2019. 

“Taking Care” by Loveis Wise @loveiswiseilluThe New Yorker, April 22, 2019

“Taking Care” by Loveis Wise @loveiswiseillu

The New Yorker, April 22, 2019

It was nice to read about a thriving theatre scene. There was an interesting profile of playwright Lucas Hnath. His Hillary and Clinton was in previews at the time.  

If you know me, (and if you’re reading this, you probably do), you know that I have spent the majority of my adult life in the theatre and restaurant industries. When I couldn’t take it anymore, I opened myself up for new experiences, and I landed a dreamy job with a non-profit where I get to use my creative skills to support a mission of inclusion for people with disabilities. Dreamy!

But I have continued to stay in the theatre world because I wish I knew how to quit you! I know well the transformative power of Theatre. I love it so very much, but I am grateful not to depend on it for my livelihood anymore. 

It’s hard times for theatre artists. The way we make and see theatre may be permanently altered, but I am confident that Theatre will survive. Storytelling has been a central part of civilization since the invention of the campfire, right? Hard times, yes. End times, no.

I’m seeing people joke about the end times right now. Did you know that one of the seven signs of the apocalypse is a governor who refuses to mandate mask-wearing during a pandemic? Allegedly.

I get how it might seem like we are in an apocalypse right now, especially if one is inclined to expect such a thing. 

But I learned something really cool this week. Where my word-nerds at? This goes out to you. 

Have you ever looked up the etymology of the word “apocalypse”? It comes from the Greek word apokálypsis, which means “lifting of the veil,” or “an unfolding of things not previously known and which could not be known apart from the unveiling.”

Shall we sit with that for a moment? . . .

To me, “lifting of the veil,” can refer to an awakening. Awakening to the knowing that we are all connected, that there is more to this world than what we see with our eyes. I feel like we are pre-wired for this awakening. We just have to remember that we’re all One, and then act like we are all One. 

So a lifting of the veil sounds pretty fantastic to me. “An unfolding of things not previously known?” Sounds like what is happening in every corner of our world right now. 

I’m good with that. An apocalypse with a twist. Straight up.

Detail — “illusion is a compact”

Detail — “illusion is a compact”

I trust it’s easy to see where this week’s collage sprang from. Look closely and you’ll see the words “apocalyptic crescendo” (which came from a jazz music review), but I kept coming back to “illusion is a compact” for the title. 

It seems to fit both the big-picture and little-picture view right now. If we’re living in a Grand Illusion, at some level we have agreed to participate. We come into the world forgetting that we are One with Source/God/All That Is/Universe/Higher Power/Choose Your Favorite Word—and hopefully we remember to lift the veil. 

Detail — “illusion is a compact”

Detail — “illusion is a compact”

And in our more worldly life, it’s pretty easy to see how many of us have been agreeing to illusions that are starting to crumble. Truths are being revealed about these agreed-upon illusions, and we are left with choices. How do I identify myself? What do I really stand for? What kind of world do I really want to live in? If this is just an Illusion, can’t we agree to create a more decent and equitable one? One where people choose Love over Fear? One where self-empowerment never morphs into power over others? 

Anyone with me? Apocalypse with a twist for all my friends! On the house.

There were so many great cartoons this week. So instead of one, there are THREE FEATURED CARTOONS!

(Be sure to scroll through.)


Week 10: Experimenting Imperfection


Week 8: How’s the view from there?