Why This? Why Now?


52 collages from 52 New Yorkers in 52 weeks. WHY?

Nothing like a plague to get you thinking! Nothing like a quarantine for self-reflection. 

I’m good at self-reflecting. I’m not afraid to look within, recognize the things that no longer serve me, and replace them with things that do. I own my shit.

Part of my shit is fear of getting out there. With my work, my art, my spirituality. There’s a lot to unravel there. We’ll get to that.

But a global pandemic calls for new ways of thinking. New ways of being. I want to be part of the wave that chooses sustainability over slash-and-burn. That chooses sharing over hoarding. That chooses LOVE over fear.

How do I make an impact? Little ol’ me? Well, it starts with my intention. That leads to my thoughts. My words. My actions. I can’t fix it all, but I can take responsibility for my own part in my little corner of the world. 

I’ll leave the science solutions to the scientists. I’m a creative. I’m a theatre professional. I’m a musician. I’m a graphic designer. I love writing, photography, videography. 

But visual art has been nagging me for a long time now. I’ve wanted to start a regular art practice for years, but other projects have taken precedence. My own obstacles get in my way.

So, NOW. 

Because, if not now, when??? NOW is the time to jump off a cliff. Before I get too complacent. Too resigned. Before another idea gets lost in the ethers.

So, THIS. 

I wanted to challenge myself with something that felt doable. I’ve made a few collages before, but I am by no means an expert. I just love taking disparate pieces and creating a new whole.

I wanted to free up my process. I tend to be cautious when making art. I’m afraid of mistakes. Creating one collage a week forces me not to belabor it. To move quickly. To get out of my head. To keep my Perfectionist at bay.

I wanted to try something new. Because it scares me. And I’m choosing LOVE over fear.

They say there may not even be a vaccine for another year. So, I’m taking a deep dive for the next 52 weeks. I know I’ll be coming out with more than just 52 collages. That’s the point.

Wanna join me? You can ride shotgun. Or hop in your own vehicle alongside mine. Roadtrip! 


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